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- by "One Who Knows"
- PART 28:
- Hitler's advanced technology included intercontinental ballistic missiles,
- vertical takeoff aircraft, jet engines, cruise missiles, sound cannons, and
- many other advanced items. The Allies captured plans for what became the
- Boeing 747 Jumbo jet. Among the most secret items captured were plans for
- flying disks, that were at first called "Krautmeteors." Based on the
- evidence, they were built as early as around 1933 and went into mass
- production in 1940. Scientists involved in these projects were Bellonzo,
- Schriever, Miethe and Victor Schauberger.
- Schauberger developed the "flying hat" type disc that was later seen over
- the United States. The final version was the Bellonzo-Schriever-Miethe
- Diskus, as large as 135 feet and some up to 225 feet in diameter. They
- traveled over 2,000 km/hr and were planned to go over 4,000 km/hr. In 1945
- they could reach a speed of 1,300 mph and an altitude of 40,000 feet in
- less than three minutes. The Germans developed the Delta wing craft, and
- were working on stealth technology, etc.
- Many pilots saw the strange craft over Germany. However, as soon as a craft
- was built, Hitler ordered it disassembled and shipped somewhere - probably
- Antarctica. None of the craft were captured by the Allies, although some of
- the scientists were captured and then mostly disappeared, but can somewhat
- be traced to Bell Textron and to places such as Area 51, which, surprise!,
- is infamous for its UFO sightings.
- Here are some examples of news items during WW II concerning Germany's
- UFOs, from the *New York Times:*
- *NEW YORK TIMES,* December 14, 1944:
- "Floating Mystery Ball Is New German Weapon. SUPREME HEADQUARTERS, Allied
- Expeditionary Force, Dec. 13 - A new German weapon has made its appearance
- on the western air front, it was disclosed today.
- "Airmen of the American Air Force report that they are encountering silver
- colored spheres in the air over German territory. The spheres are
- encountered either singly or in clusters. Sometimes they are
- semi-translucent."
- and, "SUPREME HEADQUARTERS Dec. 13 (Reuters) - The Germans have produced a
- "secret" weapon in keeping with the Christmas season.
- "The new device, apparently an air defense weapon, resembles the huge glass
- balls that adorn Christmas trees. There was no information available as to
- what holds them up like stars in the sky, what is in them or what their
- purpose is supposed to be."
- The Falkland Islands War had more to do with Nazis than with Argentina, for
- more details of what happened please refer to the *Phoenix Journals.*
- The Germans, from their Antarctica base, began to infiltrate into
- Argentina, Chile, etc., and bought large tracts of land and swept up
- corporations. They also invested in corporations in Germany and elsewhere,
- with plans to make a comeback. They used the German treasury, captured
- treasure from other nations, and counterfeit American currency printed on
- real U.S. currency printing plates given to the Russians and captured by
- the Germans.
- Some plates were stolen by Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Harry
- Dexter White (real name Weiss) under Henry Morgenthau and sent to the
- Soviets for use in occupied Germany. He also arranged for the mass theft of
- tons of our special money-paper. When J. Edgar Hoover went to President
- Truman with all the evidence that the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
- was a Communist spy and thief, Truman of course removed Weiss (White) from
- his job - and promoted him to head of the International Monetary Fund. I
- kid you not, look it up. The story has a rather common ending - when a
- controversy developed in the press concerning this incident, Weiss became a
- "suicide."
- For more information on how the "economic miracle" was accomplished after
- the war by the Germans, you can read such books as *Martin Bormann, Nazi in
- Exile* by Paul Manning ("...Bormann became the guiding force in the
- 'economic miracle' that led to the rebirth of German industry and finance
- in the thirty-five years following political and military defeat. In the
- waning months of World War II, as the Third Reich was tottering and finally
- crumbling in defeat, Bormann set up 750 corporations scattered among those
- nations that had remained neutral. Those corporations received the fleeing
- wealth of Germany and became the power base that enabled Germany to climb
- back to economic and political strength." From flyleaf). This book expands
- on the meeting in Strasbourg on August 10, 1944, mentioned in Michael
- Bar-Zohar's book *The Avengers.*
- In 1986, while researching these subjects, we received 161 pages under a
- Freedom of Information search concerning what happened to the German
- treasury at the end of WW II. Many of these documents had been SECRET until
- declassification to fulfill our request. One document was No. 19,489,
- November 27, 1944, Subject: Transmitting Intelligence Report No. EW-Pa 198
- [?, barely readable] by G-2 Economic Section, the Secretary of State, from
- Lt. Col. John W. Easton, Economic Warfare Division.
- The cover letter stated "I have the honor to enclose Intelligence Report
- No. EW-Pa 198 by G-2 Economic Section, SHAEF [*Supreme Headquarters Allied
- Expeditionary Forces*], dated November 7, 1944, describing the plans of
- German industrialists for the post-war resurrection of Germany. Among the
- topics dealt with in this report are: patents, financial reserves,
- exportation of capital, and the strategic placing of technical personnel."
- It is obvious that Manning quoted from these documents in his book on
- Bormann.
- In describing the meeting of August 10,1944, in Stasbourg, some sentences
- in the documents stand out: "German industrialists must, it was said,
- through their exports increase the strength of Germany. They must also
- prepare themselves to finance the Nazi Party which would be forced to go
- underground as Maquis (in Gebirgverteidigungsstellengehen). From now on the
- government would allocate large sums to industrialists so that each could
- establish a secure post-war foundation in foreign countries.
- Existing financial reserves in foreign countries must be placed at the
- disposal of the Party so that a strong German Empire can be created after
- the defeat. It is also immediately required that the large factories in
- Germany create small technical offices or research bureaus which would be
- absolutely independent and have no known connection with the factory. These
- bureaus will receive plans and drawings of *new weapons* as well as
- documents which they need to continue their research and which must not be
- allowed to fall into the hands of the enemy" [author emphasis].
- The last sentences in this document are, "After the defeat of Germany the
- Nazi Party recognizes that certain of its best known leaders will be
- condemned as war criminals. However, in cooperation with the industrialists
- it is arranging to place its less conspicuous but most important members in
- positions with various German factories as technical experts or members of
- its research and designing offices."
- Some of the documents were concerning "Looted Gold (1945-1948). Accession
- Number 56-75-101, Agency Container Number 169, File Number BIS/2/00." These
- documents concern Germany's "looted" gold being transferred to the Bank for
- International Settlements in Switzerland. One important paragraph (#9)
- says: "It is clear both from correspondence and from testimony that the
- management of the B.I.S. during the war was 'in the hands of the
- Administration Council, in which the Axis representatives have an
- authoritative influence,' and that in 1942 the Germans favored the
- reelection of President McKittrick whose 'personal opinions' they
- characterized as 'safely known'."
- Enclosed in the file is a clipping from the *New York Times,* date not
- included but appears to be in 1945, that states: "McKITTRICK SLATED FOR
- POST AT CHASE. He Will Take Over Duties as Vice President of Bank Here Next
- Autumn. Thomas H. McKittrick, American banker who has served as president
- of the Bank for International Settlements [B.I.S.] since the beginning of
- 1940, will become a vice president of the Chase National Bank of New York
- next fall, Winthrop W. Aldrich, chairman of the board of Chase, announced
- yesterday." The article ends by quoting McKittrick: "I realize it is my
- duty to perform a neutral task in wartime. It is an extremely difficult and
- trying thing to do, but I do the best I can."
- Another formerly Top Secret document declassified was "Subject:
- Conversation in Switzerland with Mr. McKittrick, President of the Bank for
- International Settlements" from Orvis A. Schmidt to Secretary of the
- Treasury Morgenthau, dated March 23, 1945. It describes McKittrick's
- dealings with the real head of the Nazi banking system, a Vice President
- named Puhl.
- "Puhl was described by McKittrick as a career banker who had been with the
- Reichsbank for some twenty years, who does not share the Nazi point of
- view... the Swiss National Bank said that in order to be sure they were not
- obtaining looted gold they had requested a member of the Reichsbank, whom
- they regarded to be trustworthy, to certify that each parcel of gold which
- they purchased had not been looted. The person who had done this certifying
- was Puhl."
- Puhl was Reichsbank Senior Vice President Emil Johann Rudolf Puhl. He was
- in charge of taking booty into the bank and was in charge of it for the
- Nazis. His Senior Shipping Clerk Albert Thoms said that they needed up to
- thirty men to help him sort and repack the valuables, which consisted of
- "millions in gold marks, pounds sterling, dollars and Swiss francs, 3,500
- ounces of platinum, over 550,000 ounces of gold, and 4,638 carats in
- diamonds and other precious stones, as well as hundreds of pieces of works
- of art" (p. 226, *Aftermath,* Ladislas Farago, Avon, 1974).
- This material was shipped out of the country in Operation Fireland or
- Aktion Feuerland in German, which Farago explained in a footnote in his
- book on Bormann: "The transaction was named 'Land of Fire' after the
- archipelago of Tierra del Fuego at the southern extremity of Argentina and
- Chile, the area to which some of the shipments were originally consigned"
- (p. 228). On the next page Farago said: "Only a relatively small portion of
- the SS treasure was impounded by Bormann and sent overseas in the course of
- Aktion Feuerland. Much of it is still missing."
- Germany had developed self-sufficiency before the end of the war, and was
- manufacturing their own oil, produced "butter" from coal, invented powdered
- milk, developed freeze drying, learned to store flour indefinitely, were
- growing their food in greenhouses on chemical "soil," etc. These projects
- were also necessary for survival of the secret UFO force, which Hitler
- called the "Last Battalion," at the Antarctic.
- The counterfeiting of British and American money was under Operation
- Bernhard. The fake British notes have been often discussed in books and
- articles about Bernhard, but the fake American currency is not as well
- known. Recently the U.S. announced that it was issuing new money to
- counteract the counterfeit, which was said to be coming from Saddam Hussein
- and Lebanon. It would be more correct to say it is coming from South
- America, but that money is supposed to all be drug money. Life gets
- complicated.
- When *CONTACT* newspaper first ran the series on *Fire From The Sky,* it
- followed with a reprint of the information about the truth about the
- Falkland Islands War. In that series, it revealed that the Russians,
- working with Rockefeller forces, defeated the British Bolshevik forces on
- South Georgia Island.
- If you have not read that series, this information may not make sense to
- you. It is important to know that information, if you intend to try to
- understand what is happening. Nazi forces were involved in the Falkland
- Islands War, on the side of the Russians. This is hard to believe if you
- have no idea of what IS.
- The Russians were nationalists, as opposed to the Zionist Bolsheviks who
- took their country away from them. The Zionist Bolsheviks were trained in
- the lower East Side of New York City and financed by New York and London
- bankers. They invaded Russia, killed the Tzar and many Nationalists and
- took over the government.
- Can you begin to see how someone like Boris Pash, with a Russian
- Nationalist family background, could work with Nazi Gestapo and SS agents?
- Even the American General George Patton said we should have fought WITH the
- Nazis against the Bolshevik Communists. Patton said there was an
- international conspiracy of Zionist bankers who were the world's problem
- (see *Patton's Papers,* Vol. 2, p. 735 for example).
- In 1982, on April 20, Hitler's birthday, the Russian/Rockefeller/Nazi
- commando force broke through and inserted a neutron bomb into the
- underground naval base at South Georgia Island.
- For more of the story of what *really happened in the Falkland Islands
- crisis, read the January 17, 1995, issue of *CONTACT: The Phoenix Project*
- newspaper or Phoenix Journal #13, *Skeletons In The Closet. (Contact,*
- Inc., P.O. Box 27800, Las Vegas, NV 89126 or call 1-800-800-5565. For
- *Phoenix Journals,* write Phoenix Source Distributors, Inc., P.O. Box
- 27353, Las Vegas, NV 89126 or call 1-800-800-5565. The phone numbers are
- the same, but the mailing addresses are different.)
- Alexander Haig was the General representing the Rockefellers. In his book
- *Caveat,* the chapter on the Falklands starts: "On March 28, 1982, a
- Sunday, the British Ambassador, Nicholas ("Niko") Henderson, brought me a
- letter from Lord Carrington. A party of Argentineans, wrote the foreign
- secretary, had landed nine days earlier on the island of South Georgia, a
- British possession lying in the South Atlantic a few degrees above the
- Antarctic Circle and some 600 miles to the east of the Falkland Islands, a
- British Crown colony." I'll bet you thought the Falkland Islands War was
- about the Falkland Islands!
- Much ado was made in the media about the conflict between Jeane Kirkpatrick
- and Alexander Haig. Kirkpatrick is a Zionist and was the U.S. Ambassador to
- the United Nations. She has a regular feature column in *The Jewish Press*
- newspaper, "The Largest Independent Anglo-Jewish Weekly Newspaper." Haig
- has had a long relationship with Henry Kissinger, to whom Haig became
- senior military advisor in 1969. Remember that Kissinger came out of the
- Paperclip Operation personnel.
- In January 1982, Reagan replaced his national security advisor, Richard
- Allen, with William P. Clark, another Paperclip person, and who was Haig's
- deputy. Nixon said, "When you see the lights burning late in Henry's
- [Kissinger] office, it's usually Al Haig." (*War In The Falklands, the Full
- Story* by the *Sunday Times* of London Insight Team, Harper & Row, New
- York, 1982, p. 123.)